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Berita Terbaru Sehangat Tahi Ayam

Rabbits are ground dwellers that live in environments ranging from desert to tropical forest and wetland. Their natural geographic range encompasses the middle latitudes of the Western Hemisphere. In the Eastern Hemisphere rabbits are found in Europe, portions of Central and Southern Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Sumatra, and Japan. Rabbits are ground dwellers that live in environments ranging from desert to tropical forest and wetland. Their natural geographic range encompasses the middle latitudes of the Western Hemisphere. In the Eastern Hemisphere rabbits are found in Europe, portions of Central and Southern Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Sumatra, and Japan. Rabbits are ground dwellers that live in environments ranging from desert to tropical forest and wetland. Their natural geographic range encompasses the middle latitudes of the Western Hemisphere. In the Eastern Hemisphere rabbits are found in Europe, portions of Central and Southern Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Sumatra, and Japan. Rabbits are ground dwellers that live in environments ranging from desert to tropical forest and wetland. Their natural geographic range encompasses the middle latitudes of the Western Hemisphere. In the Eastern Hemisphere rabbits are found in Europe, portions of Central and Southern Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Sumatra, and Japan.

Jangan Lupa Tinggalkan Komentar Kalian Ya...!!!
Tooltip? banyak udah yang bahas tooltip tapi sekarang Ada yang baru nih, Tooltip yang dulu terbang-terbang kesana kemari menggunakan Jquery ( javascript ) sekarang bisa dibuat dengan css3 dengan memanfaatkan css3 trasition kita bisa membuat animasi dimana Tooltipnya terbang dari atas. seperti apa sih tuh Tolltipnya, coba aja langsung Sorot Link Dibawah ini.

Dengan mengandalkan Pseudo element tooltip css3 ini bisa tercipta dengan baik. css biasa disimpan diatas ]]></b:skin>

Creation Of : ZTO
URL         : http://zhinto.blogspot.com/
a.zto {
position: relative;
text-decoration: none;
a.zto::before {
position: absolute;
content: attr(data-title);
background: #4C8FCC;
width: 200px;
padding: 5px 10px;
color: #000;
top: -1000px;
text-align: justify;
z-index: 99;
-moz-transition: all 0.5s linear;
-o-transition: all 0.5s linear;
-webkit-transition: all 0.5s linear;
transition: all 0.5s linear;
border: 5px solid #335BA2;
visibility: hidden;
font: normal 12px/20px Arial,sans-serif
a.zto:hover::before {
top: 100%;
visibility: visible;

Dan dibawah ini kerangka HTML_nya.

<a href="/" class="zto" data-title="Saya adalah Tooltip yang menuju ke HOMEPAGE blog ini">ZTO CSS3 Tooltip</a>

Pada Attribut data-title silahkan ganti keterangannya dengan keterangan dari link anda.

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