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Tutorial Blogger

Tips - Trik Blogger

Buat perjaka yang masih Jomblo

Berita Terbaru Sehangat Tahi Ayam

Rabbits are ground dwellers that live in environments ranging from desert to tropical forest and wetland. Their natural geographic range encompasses the middle latitudes of the Western Hemisphere. In the Eastern Hemisphere rabbits are found in Europe, portions of Central and Southern Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Sumatra, and Japan. Rabbits are ground dwellers that live in environments ranging from desert to tropical forest and wetland. Their natural geographic range encompasses the middle latitudes of the Western Hemisphere. In the Eastern Hemisphere rabbits are found in Europe, portions of Central and Southern Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Sumatra, and Japan. Rabbits are ground dwellers that live in environments ranging from desert to tropical forest and wetland. Their natural geographic range encompasses the middle latitudes of the Western Hemisphere. In the Eastern Hemisphere rabbits are found in Europe, portions of Central and Southern Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Sumatra, and Japan. Rabbits are ground dwellers that live in environments ranging from desert to tropical forest and wetland. Their natural geographic range encompasses the middle latitudes of the Western Hemisphere. In the Eastern Hemisphere rabbits are found in Europe, portions of Central and Southern Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Sumatra, and Japan.

0 Adding Tooltip on Read More: Menambah Tooltip di Read More

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Membuat tooltip di read more cukup dilakukan dengan menambah sebuah DIV (berlaku di ZigZagTooltip) di antara tag pembuka <body>serta tag penutup </body> . Jika sampeyan ingin membuat tampilan baru di blog seperti yang dimaksud dalam judul di atas, maka silahkan sampeyan buat dulu ZigZagLap Tooltip dengan membuka link di bawah ini:

Sampeyan juga bisa mencarinya di blog ini di tutorial sebelumnya yang hanya berselisih satu posting. Yah ..., sekaligus sambil lihat-lihat tutorial yang lain barangkali ada yang cocok di hati.
Cara Membuat atau Menambah Tooltip di Read More
  • Login to Blogger.
  • Dasboard : KLIK "Design/Rancangan".
  • Design/Rancangan : KLIK "Edit HTML".
  • Edit HTML : KLIK "Download Full Template/Download Template Lengkap" (proses back-up templates).
  • SAVE/Simpan file (di Folder PC).
  • KLIK "Expand Widget Templates".
  • Find code/Cari kode :

  • <div class='jump-link'>

    di bawah kode tersebut terdapat kode seperti di bawah ini:
    <div class='jump-link'>
    <a expr:href='data:post.url + "#more"' expr:title='data:post.title'><data:post.jumpText/></a>

    Change the code to be like this:

    <div id='jqtips' class='jump-link'>
    <a expr:href='data:post.url + "#more"' expr:title='data:post.title'><data:post.jumpText/></a>

  • KLIK SAVE Templates/Simpan Template.
  • open your blog to see results!


Arahkan cursor pada read more yang telah berpindah/bergerak, maka tooltip akan terlihat. Tooltip akan terlihat di posisi agak ke kanan karena read telah mengalami modifikasi. Jika sampeyan menggunakan read more tanpa animasi seperti di DEMO, maka tooltip akan terlihat persis di sebelah kanan read more seperti halnya apabila kita menggunakan ZigZagTooltip di posting atau di widget blog.

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